We are the main Exmouth whale shark visit organization. In all that we do, Ningaloo Whale Shark Swim is focused on giving the best whale shark tour Exmouth. How? We are continually improving how we run this visit each day by giving the best whale shark trips each day. We make your excursion a standout amongst other whale shark trips you have ever been to. It is a benefit when you pick us to swim with whale sharks. Our group guarantees that they will know it and put forth a valiant effort to cherish the outing.
We are the whale shark diving Exmouth to win a gold decoration in the best experience travel in Western Australia at the WA Tourism Awards. We are exceptionally glad for our 2015, 2016 and 2017 Trip Advisor Certificates as well!
Our spotter plane has any kind of effect
By and large, in the course of recent years, clients have invested undeniably more energy swimming in water with whale sharks than other whale shark trips. (Also, why not ride this whale shark?)
Why? The main whale shark visit organization Exmouth possesses its Spotter plane and needs to discover a whale shark visit pontoon. We don’t share spot planes between vessels, contract planes, and don’t profess to have various planes simultaneously. We put pilots and planes noticeable all around and swam with whale sharks. Basic! See here for further information regarding swim with manta rays in Australia.
This implies we are searching for a dip with our whale shark. (Numerous plane contenders split their seats between two or four unique pontoons, which frequently mean travellers need to swim in whale sharks.
We offer you the best Whaleshark Swim Guarantee
Whale Shark Swim Guarantee – Travel the best whale shark on the planet. Why? Be cautious when arranging. Visit the following free excursion and attempt again or get a voucher substantial for a long time.
Best Price Guarantee-We are the main organization offering this. If you locate the least expensive retail cost on the visit, it will coordinate significantly after you book. (Operator appointments are barred because they don’t give subtleties and costs are shown.) Here’s how to get the best costs for your outing.
Terrible Weather Guarantee – Was the excursion dropped because of awful climate? Return for nothing on your next accessible outing, on the off chance that you have to venture out from home before doing this, you can sell and move vouchers legitimate for the following 3 years!
Illness Guarantee-Are we the main organization that recommends we are too wiped out to even think about swimming with whale sharks? Remain free again when the climate comes.
Great swimming assurance – we are one of only a handful not many organizations to offer this. Did the gathering swim with whale sharks for over 2 minutes? Remain free again on the following accessible excursion.